0){ $customer = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT m.uid, m.username, m.password, m.email, m.adminid, m.groupid, m.publicemail, m.gender, m.regip, m.regdate, m.realgroup, m.postnum, m.commentnum, m.diggnum, m.burynum, m.currency, m.lastip, m.lastvisit, m.lastpost, m.lastcomment, m.lastupload, m.lastsearch, m.uploadnum, m.newmsg, m.friendnum, m.collectionnum, m.visitnum, m.ucuid, m.avatar, mx.qq, mx.msn, mx.site, mx.location, mx.birthday, mx.signature, mx.showsign, mx.ctsig FROM {$db_prefix}members m LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}memberexp mx USING (uid) WHERE m.username = '$author'"); //if (!$customer || pbNewPW($customer['password']) != $p_pw) //{ // sCookie('pb_auth', '', -1); // unset($customer, $pb_auth); // showMsg('auth_error'); //} if ($customer){ $customer['uid'] = $customer['safeuid'] = (int)$customer['uid']; $customer['groupid'] = (int)$customer['groupid']; $customer['adminid'] = (int)$customer['adminid']; $customer['newmsg'] && $customer['newmsg'] = ''.$customer['newmsg'].''; $customer['groupid'] == -1 && $customer['groupid'] = (int)$customer['realgroup']; $logStatus = 1; } } //µÇ¼½áÊø require_once PBDIGG_ROOT.'include/validate.func.php'; require_once PBDIGG_ROOT.'include/ubb.func.php'; require_once PBDIGG_CROOT.'cache_reg.php'; $ajax_message = loadLang('ajax'); $common_message += $ajax_message; $action='comment'; //zzcity add $tid = (int)$tid; $rid = (int)$rid; $uid = (int)$customer['uid']; //$response = array('0','',$action.'_'.$tid.'_'.$rid); $timestamp = (time()-30*60)+(int)$replyno*mt_rand(1,5)*60; //zzcity add switch ($action) { case 'comment': // if ($pb_reposttime) // { // $pb_lastcomment = $logStatus ? $customer['lastcomment'] : gCookie('pb_lastcomment'); // if ($pb_lastcomment && $pb_reposttime && ($timestamp - $pb_lastcomment < $pb_reposttime)) // { // $response[1] = $ajax_message['ajax_flood_ctrl']; // break; // } // sCookie('pb_lastcomment', $timestamp, 1); // } // if ((!$allowcomment || !$pb_ifcomment) && !SUPERMANAGER) // { // $response[1] = $ajax_message['ajax_comment_nopermission']; // break; // } // $comment = convert_encoding('UTF-8', $db_charset, stripslashes($content)); $comment = stripslashes($content); // !$allowhtml && $comment = HConvert($comment); // if ($ck = checkComment($comment)) // { // $response[1] = $ck; // break; // } // if (($pb_gdcheck & 8) && !ckgdcode($captcha)) // { // $response[1] = $common_message['checkcode_error']; // break; // } $rs = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT cid, ifcheck, iflock, digg, bury, views, comments, pbrank, postdate FROM {$db_prefix}threads WHERE tid = '$tid'"); // if (!$rs || $rs['iflock'] || !$rs['ifcheck']) if (!$rs) { //$response[1] = $ajax_message['ajax_action_disabled']; $response = '[err]'.$ajax_message['ajax_action_disabled'].'[/err]'; break; } $cid = (int)$rs['cid']; $pb_creditdb = explode("\t", $pb_creditdb); $ifconvert = $comment == conentUBB($comment, 'c', true) ? 0 : 1; $ifcheck = (($pb_ccheck && !SUPERMANAGER) || ($pb_anonnews && !$uid)) ? 0 : 1; $DB->db_exec("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}comments (rid, cid, tid, author, uid, content, ifcheck, ifshield, ifconvert, postdate, postip, digg, diggdate, bury, burydate) VALUES (NULL, ".$rs['cid'].", '$tid', '".addslashes($customer['username'])."', '$uid', '".addslashes($comment)."', $ifcheck, 0, '$ifconvert', '$timestamp', '".$_PBENV['PB_IP']."', 0, 0, 0, 0)"); $rid = intval($DB->db_insert_id()); $pbrank = pbrank($rs['pbrank'], $rs['digg'], $rs['bury'], $rs['views'], ++$rs['comments'], $rs['postdate']); if ($logStatus) { $DB->db_exec("UPDATE {$db_prefix}members m, {$db_prefix}threads t, {$db_prefix}categories c SET m.commentnum = m.commentnum + 1, m.lastcomment = '$timestamp', m.currency = m.currency + " . intval($pb_creditdb[1]) .", t.comments = t.comments + 1, t.commentdate = '$timestamp', t.pbrank = '$pbrank', c.cnum = c.cnum + 1 WHERE t.tid = '$tid' AND c.cid = '$cid' AND m.uid = '$uid'"); } else { $DB->db_exec("UPDATE {$db_prefix}threads t, {$db_prefix}categories c SET t.comments = t.comments + 1, c.cnum = c.cnum + 1, t.commentdate = '$timestamp', t.pbrank = '$pbrank' WHERE t.tid = '$tid' AND c.cid = '$cid'"); } $DB->db_exec("UPDATE {$db_prefix}sitestat SET comnum = comnum + 1 WHERE id = 1"); //$response[0] = '1'; $response = '[ok]rid='.$rid; //sCookie('pb_lastcomment', $timestamp); break; } //$response[1] = convert_encoding($db_charset, 'UTF-8', $response[1]); //if (function_exists('json_encode')) //{ // $response = json_encode($response); //} //else //{ // require_once(PBDIGG_ROOT.'include/json.class.php'); // $json = new Services_JSON; // $response = $json->encode($response); //} echo $response; exit; // //function getAjaxTPL($tpl = 'ajax') //{ // extract($GLOBALS); // ob_start(); // require_once pt_fetch($tpl); // $response = preg_replace('~\d{10}\n~', '', ob_get_contents()); // ob_end_clean(); // return $response; //} ?>