cachelist = $cachelist; $discuz->init(); //zzcity add //处理自定义参数 $zzparas=''; if(is_array($_POST['zzpara'])){ ksort($_POST['zzpara']); foreach($_POST['zzpara'] as $para){ $zzparas.= $para; } } $_G['content'] =$_POST['content']=$_POST['content'].$zzparas; //处理自定义参数结束 $member = array(); $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('common_member')." WHERE username='".$_POST['username']."'"); $cookietime=$_G['gp_cookietime'] ? 2592000 : 0; $_G['uid'] = $member['uid']; $_G['username'] = $member['username']; $_G['adminid'] = $member['adminid']; $_G['groupid'] = $member['groupid']; $_G['formhash'] = formhash(); $_G['session']['invisible'] = getuserprofile('invisible'); $_G['member'] = $member; $_G['core']->session->isnew = 1; dsetcookie('auth', authcode("{$member['password']}\t{$member['uid']}", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime, 1, true); dsetcookie('loginuser'); dsetcookie('activationauth'); dsetcookie('pmnum'); $discuz->_init_user(); //zzcity $_GET['mod']='portalcp'; //zzcity add $_GET['ac']='article';//zzcity add require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./source/function/function_home.php'; require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./source/function/function_portal.php'; if(empty($_GET['mod']) || !in_array($_GET['mod'], array('list', 'view', 'comment', 'portalcp', 'topic', 'attachment', 'rss'))) $_GET['mod'] = 'index'; //if($_GET['mod'] != 'portalcp' && !$_G['setting']['portalstatus']) { // showmessage('portal_status_off'); //} define('CURMODULE', $_GET['mod']); //runhooks(); $navtitle = str_replace('{bbname}', $_G['setting']['bbname'], $_G['setting']['seotitle']['portal']); //替换source/module/portal/portal_portalcp.php开始 //if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { // exit('Access Denied'); //} $ac = in_array($_GET['ac'], array('comment', 'article', 'related', 'block', 'portalblock', 'blockdata', 'topic', 'diy', 'upload', 'category', 'plugin', 'logout'))?$_GET['ac']:'index'; $admincp2 = getstatus($_G['member']['allowadmincp'], 2); $admincp3 = getstatus($_G['member']['allowadmincp'], 3); $admincp4 = getstatus($_G['member']['allowadmincp'], 4); $admincp5 = getstatus($_G['member']['allowadmincp'], 5); //if (!$_G['inajax'] && in_array($ac, array('index', 'portalblock', 'blockdata', 'category')) && ($_G['group']['allowdiy'] || $_G['group']['allowmanagearticle'] || $admincp2 || $admincp3 || $admincp4)) { // require_once libfile('class/panel'); // $modsession = new discuz_panel(PORTALCP_PANEL); // if(getgpc('login_panel') && getgpc('cppwd') && submitcheck('submit')) { // $modsession->dologin($_G[uid], getgpc('cppwd'), true); // } // // if(!$modsession->islogin) { // include template('portal/portalcp_login'); // dexit(); // } //} //if($ac == 'logout') { // require_once libfile('class/panel'); // $modsession = new discuz_panel(PORTALCP_PANEL); // $modsession->dologout(); // showmessage('modcp_logout_succeed', 'portal.php'); //} $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_'.$ac.'_management').' - '.lang('core', 'title_portal_management'); require_once libfile('function/portalcp'); //require_once libfile('portalcp/'.$ac, 'include'); //替换source/include/portalcp/portal_article.php开始 /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: portalcp_article.php 9631 2010-04-30 07:55:17Z zhangguosheng $ */ //if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { // exit('Access Denied'); //} $op = in_array($_GET['op'], array('addpage', 'edit', 'delpage', 'delete', 'related', 'batch', 'pushplus', 'verify')) ? $_GET['op'] : 'add'; $aid = intval($_G['gp_aid']); $catid = intval($_G['gp_catid']); $seccodecheck = $_G['setting']['seccodestatus'] & 4; $secqaacheck = $_G['setting']['secqaa']['status'] & 2; //zzcity add if (!empty($_POST['dateline'])){ //发布日期 $_POST['dateline']=str_replace(array("年","月"),"-",trim($_POST['dateline'])); $_POST['dateline']=str_replace(array("时","分"),":",trim($_POST['dateline'])); $_POST['dateline']=str_replace(array("日","秒")," ",trim($_POST['dateline'])); $_POST['dateline']=preg_replace('/ {2,}/',' ',trim($_POST['dateline'])); if (strtotime($_POST['dateline'])==false||strtotime($_POST['dateline'])==-1){ echo("[err]发布时间格式错误[/err]"); exit(); } } //zzdicy add end $article = $article_content = array(); //if($aid) { // $article = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE aid='$aid'"); // if(!$article) { // showmessage('article_not_exist', dreferer()); // } //} loadcache('portalcategory'); $portalcategory = $_G['cache']['portalcategory']; if($catid && empty($portalcategory[$catid])) { // showmessage('portal_category_not_find', dreferer()); exit('[err]'.lang('message', 'portal_category_not_find').'[/err]'); } //if(empty($article) && $catid && $portalcategory[$catid]['disallowpublish']) { // showmessage('portal_category_disallowpublish', dreferer()); //} //if(submitcheck("articlesubmit", 0, $seccodecheck, $secqaacheck)) { // if($aid) { // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // } else { // check_articleperm($catid); // } $_POST['title'] = getstr(trim($_POST['title']), 80, 1, 1); if(strlen($_POST['title']) < 1) { // showmessage('title_not_too_little'); exit('[err]'.lang('message', 'title_not_too_little').'[/err]'); } $_POST['title'] = censor($_POST['title']); $_POST['pagetitle'] = getstr(trim($_POST['pagetitle']), 60, 1, 1); $_POST['pagetitle'] = censor($_POST['pagetitle']); $highlight_style = $_G['gp_highlight_style']; $style = ''; $style = implode('|',$highlight_style); if(empty($_POST['summary'])) $_POST['summary'] = preg_replace("/(\s|###NextPage(\[title=.*?\])?###)+/", ' ', $_POST['content']); $summary = portalcp_get_summary(stripslashes($_POST['summary'])); $summary = censor($summary); $_G['gp_author'] = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_author']); $_G['gp_url'] = str_replace('&', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_url'])); $_G['gp_from'] = dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_from']); $_G['gp_fromurl'] = str_replace('&', '&', dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_fromurl'])); $_G['gp_dateline'] = !empty($_G['gp_dateline']) ? strtotime($_G['gp_dateline']) : TIMESTAMP; $_G['gp_shorttitle'] = getstr(trim(dhtmlspecialchars($_G['gp_shorttitle'])), 80, 1, 1); $_G['gp_shorttitle'] = censor($_G['gp_shorttitle']); if(censormod($_G['gp_shorttitle']) || censormod($_POST['title']) || $_G['group']['allowpostarticlemod']) { $article_status = 1; } else { $article_status = 0; } $setarr = array( 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'shorttitle' => $_G['gp_shorttitle'], 'author' => $_G['gp_author'], 'from' => $_G['gp_from'], 'fromurl' => $_G['gp_fromurl'], 'dateline' => intval($_G['gp_dateline']), 'url' => $_G['gp_url'], 'allowcomment' => !empty($_POST['forbidcomment']) ? '0' : '1', 'summary' => addslashes($summary), 'catid' => intval($_POST['catid']), 'tag' => article_make_tag($_POST['tag']), 'status' => $article_status, 'highlight' => $style, 'showinnernav' => empty($_POST['showinnernav']) ? '0' : '1', ); if(empty($setarr['catid'])) { // showmessage('article_choose_system_category'); exit('[err]'.lang('message', 'article_choose_system_category').'[/err]'); } // if($_G['gp_conver']) { // $converfiles = unserialize(stripslashes($_G['gp_conver'])); // $setarr['pic'] = addslashes($converfiles['pic']); // $setarr['thumb'] = intval($converfiles['thumb']); // $setarr['remote'] = intval($converfiles['remote']); // } //zzcity add function zzfileext($filename) { return strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1, 10)); } // function zzis_image_ext($ext) { static $imgext = array('jpg', 'jpeg','gif','png'); return in_array($ext, $imgext) ? 1 : 0; } $ashowurl = empty($_POST['ashowurl']) ? "/data/attachment/portal" : trim($_POST['ashowurl']); $ashowurl = substr($ashowurl,-1)=="/" ? $ashowurl : $ashowurl.'/'; if(!empty($_POST['pic'])){ $setarr['pic'] = str_replace($ashowurl,'',$_POST['pic']); }else{ $attachlist=explode(',',str_replace($ashowurl,'',$_POST['etattachs'])); for($i=0; $iThumb($zzatttarget, '', $thumbimgwidth, $thumbimgheight, 2); $image->Watermark($zzatttarget, '', 'portal'); } /* if(getglobal('setting/ftp/on')) { if(ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/'.$setarr['pic']) && (!$setarr['thumb'] || ftpcmd('upload', 'portal/'.getimgthumbname($setarr['pic'])))) { @unlink($zzatttarget); @unlink(getglobal('setting/attachdir').'/portal/'.getimgthumbname($setarr['pic'])); $setarr['remote'] = 1; } else { if(getglobal('setting/ftp/mirror')) { @unlink($zzatttarget); @unlink(getimgthumbname($zzatttarget)); //portal_upload_error(lang('portalcp', 'upload_remote_failed')); } } }*/ $setarr['pic']=!empty($setarr['pic'])?'portal/'.$setarr['pic']:''; } $id = 0; $idtype = ''; if(empty($article)) { $setarr['uid'] = $_G['uid']; $setarr['username'] = $_G['username']; $setarr['id'] = intval($_POST['id']); $table = ''; if($setarr['id']) { if($_POST['idtype']=='blogid') { $table = 'home_blogfield'; $setarr['idtype'] = 'blogid'; $id = $setarr['id']; $idtype = $setarr['idtype']; } else { $table = 'forum_thread'; $setarr['idtype'] = 'tid'; require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $posttable = getposttablebytid($setarr['id']); $org = DB::fetch_first("SELECT pid FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid='$setarr[id]' AND first='1'"); $id = intval($org['pid']); $idtype = 'pid'; } } $aid = DB::insert('portal_article_title', $setarr, 1); if($table) { DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table($table)." SET pushedaid='$aid' WHERE $setarr[idtype] = '$setarr[id]'"); if($setarr['idtype']=='tid') { $modarr = array( 'tid' => $setarr['id'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'action' => 'PTA', 'status' => '1', 'stamp' => '', ); DB::insert('forum_threadmod', $modarr); DB::update('forum_thread', array('moderated'=>1), array('tid'=>$setarr['id'])); } } DB::update('common_member_status', array('lastpost' => $_G['timestamp']), array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table('portal_category')." SET articles=articles+1 WHERE catid = '$setarr[catid]'"); DB::insert('portal_article_count', array('aid'=>$aid, 'catid'=>$setarr['catid'], 'dateline'=>$setarr['dateline'],'viewnum'=>1)); } else { DB::update('portal_article_title', $setarr, array('aid' => $aid)); } $cid = intval($_POST['cid']); if($cid) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE cid='$cid' AND aid='$aid'"); $article_content = DB::fetch($query); } $content = getstr($_POST['content'], 0, 1, 1, 0, 1); $content = censor($content); if(censormod($content) || $_G['group']['allowpostarticlemod']) { $article_status = 1; } else { $article_status = 0; } $regexp = '/(###NextPage(\[title=(.*?)\])?###)+/'; preg_match_all($regexp, $content ,$arr); $pagetitle = !empty($arr[3]) ? $arr[3] : array(); $pagetitle = array_map('trim', $pagetitle); $contents = preg_split($regexp, $content); $content_count = count($contents); $pageorder = intval($_POST['pageorder']); if($pageorder>0) { $startorder = $pageorder - 1; $pageorder = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT pageorder FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid' ORDER BY pageorder LIMIT $startorder, 1"), 0); if($article_content && $article_content['pageorder'] == $pageorder) { $content_count = $content_count - 1; } if($content_count > 0) { DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table('portal_article_content')." SET pageorder = pageorder+$content_count WHERE aid='$aid' AND pageorder>='$pageorder'"); } } else { $pageorder = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT MAX(pageorder) FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid'"), 0); $pageorder = $pageorder + 1; } if($article_content) { $setarr = array( 'title' => $_POST['pagetitle'], 'content' => trim($contents[0]), 'pageorder' => $pageorder, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'] ); DB::update('portal_article_content', $setarr, array('cid'=>$cid)); if($article_status == 1) { DB::update('portal_article_title', array('status' => '1'), array('aid' => $aid)); } unset($contents[0]); } if($contents) { $inserts = array(); foreach ($contents as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value); $inserts[] = "('$aid', '".(empty($pagetitle[$key-1]) ? $_POST['pagetitle'] : $pagetitle[$key-1])."', '$value', '".($pageorder+$key)."', '$_G[timestamp]', '$id', '$idtype')"; } DB::query("INSERT INTO ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." (aid, title, content, pageorder, dateline, id, idtype) VALUES ".implode(',', $inserts)); DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table('portal_article_title')." SET status = '$article_status', contents = contents+".count($inserts)." WHERE aid='$aid'"); } if($article_status == 1) { updatemoderate('aid', $aid); manage_addnotify('verifyarticle'); } $newaids = array(); $_POST['attach_ids'] = explode(',', $_POST['attach_ids']); foreach ($_POST['attach_ids'] as $newaid) { $newaid = intval($newaid); if($newaid) $newaids[$newaid] = $newaid; } if($newaids) { DB::update('portal_attachment', array('aid'=>$aid), "attachid IN (".dimplode($newaids).") AND aid='0'"); } DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_related')." WHERE aid='$aid' OR raid='$aid'"); if($_POST['raids']) { $relatedarr = array(); $relatedarr = array_map('intval', $_POST['raids']); $relatedarr = array_unique($relatedarr); $relatedarr = array_filter($relatedarr); if($relatedarr) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE aid IN (".dimplode($relatedarr).")"); $list = array(); while(($value=DB::fetch($query))) { $list[$value['aid']] = $value; } $replaces = array(); $displayorder = 0; foreach($relatedarr as $relate) { if(($value = $list[$relate])) { if($value['aid'] != $aid) { $replaces[] = "('$aid', '$value[aid]', '$displayorder')"; $replaces[] = "('$value[aid]', '$aid', '0')"; $displayorder++; } } } if($replaces) { DB::query("REPLACE INTO ".DB::table('portal_article_related')." (aid,raid,displayorder) VALUES ".implode(',', $replaces)); } } } if($_G['gp_from_idtype'] && $_G['gp_from_id']) { $id = intval($_G['gp_from_id']); $notify = array(); switch ($_G['gp_from_idtype']) { case 'blogid': $blog = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_blog')." WHERE blogid='$id'"); if(!empty($blog)) { $notify = array( 'url' => "home.php?mod=space&uid=$blog[uid]&do=blog&id=$id", 'subject' => $blog['subject'] ); $touid = $blog['uid']; } break; case 'tid': $thread = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." WHERE tid='$id'"); if(!empty($thread)) { $notify = array( 'url' => "forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=$id", 'subject' => $thread['subject'] ); $touid = $thread['authorid']; } break; } if(!empty($notify)) { $notify['newurl'] = 'portal.php?mod=view&aid='.$aid; notification_add($touid, 'pusearticle', 'puse_article', $notify, 1); } } $viewarticleurl = $_POST['url']?"portal.php?mod=list&catid=$_POST[catid]":'portal.php?mod=view&aid='.$aid; // if(trim($_G['gp_from']) != '') { // $from_cookie = ''; // $from_cookie_array = array(); // $from_cookie = stripslashes(getcookie('from_cookie')); // $from_cookie_array = explode('\t', $from_cookie); // $from_cookie_array[] = $_G['gp_from']; // $from_cookie_array = array_unique($from_cookie_array); // $from_cookie_array = array_filter($from_cookie_array); // $from_cookie_num = count($from_cookie_array); // $from_cookie_start = $from_cookie_num - 10; // $from_cookie_start = $from_cookie_start > 0 ? $from_cookie_start : 0; // $from_cookie_array = array_slice($from_cookie_array, $from_cookie_start, $from_cookie_num); // $from_cookie = implode('\t', $from_cookie_array); // dsetcookie('from_cookie', $from_cookie); // } // dsetcookie('clearUserdata', 'home'); // $op = 'add_success'; // $article_add_page_url = ''; // $article_add_url = 'portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=article&catid='.$catid; // if($_G['gp_addpage']) { // $article_add_page_url = $article_add_url.'&op=addpage&aid='.$aid; // } // include_once template("portal/portalcp_article");dexit(); echo('[ok]'); //} elseif(submitcheck('pushplussubmit')) { // // if($aid) { // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // } else { // showmessage('no_article_specified_for_pushplus', dreferer()); // } // // $tourl = !empty($_POST['toedit']) ? 'portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=article&op=edit&aid='.$aid : dreferer(); // $pids = (array)$_POST['pushpluspids']; // $posts = array(); // $tid = intval($_GET['tid']); // if($tid && $pids) { // $posttable = getposttablebytid($tid); // $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid='$tid' AND pid IN (".dimplode($pids).')'); // while(($value=DB::fetch($query))) { // $posts[$value['pid']] = $value; // } // } // if(empty($posts)) { // showmessage('no_posts_for_pushplus', dreferer()); // } // // $pageorder = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT MAX(pageorder) FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid'"), 0); // $pageorder = intval($pageorder + 1); // $inserts = array(); // foreach($posts as $post) { // $summary = portalcp_get_postmessage($post); // $summary .= lang('portalcp', 'article_pushplus_info', array('author'=>$post['author'], 'url'=>'forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid='.$post['tid'].'&pid='.$post['pid'])); // $summary = addslashes($summary); // $inserts[] = "('$aid', '$summary', '$pageorder', '$_G[timestamp]', '$post[pid]', 'pid')"; // $pageorder++; // } // DB::query('INSERT INTO '.DB::table('portal_article_content')."(aid, content, pageorder, dateline, id, idtype) VALUES ".implode(',',$inserts)); // // $pluscount = count($posts); // DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table('portal_article_title')." SET contents=contents+'$pluscount', owncomment='1' WHERE aid='$aid'"); // $commentnum = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.DB::table('portal_comment')." WHERE id='$aid' AND idtype='aid'"); // DB::update('portal_article_count', array('commentnum'=>intval($commentnum)), array('aid'=>$aid)); // showmessage('pushplus_do_success', $tourl, array(), array('header'=>1, 'refreshtime'=>0)); // //} elseif(submitcheck('verifysubmit')) { // if($aid) { // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article, true); // } else { // showmessage('article_not_exist', dreferer()); // } // if($_POST['status'] == '0') { // DB::update('portal_article_title', array('status'=>'0'), array('aid'=>$aid)); // // $tourl = dreferer('portal.php?mod=view&aid='.$aid); // showmessage('article_passed', $tourl); // // } elseif($_POST['status'] == '2') { // DB::update('portal_article_title', array('status'=>'2'), array('aid'=>$aid)); // // $tourl = dreferer('portal.php?mod=view&aid='.$aid); // showmessage('article_ignored', $tourl); // // } elseif($_POST['status'] == '-1') { // include_once libfile('function/delete'); // deletearticle(array($aid), 0); // // $tourl = dreferer('portal.php?mod=portalcp&catid='.$article['catid']); // showmessage('article_deleted', $tourl); // // } else { // showmessage('select_operation'); // } //} // //if ($op == 'delpage') { // // if(!$aid) { // showmessage('article_edit_nopermission'); // } // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // // // $pageorder = intval($_GET['pageorder']); // $aid = intval($_GET['aid']); // $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); // // if($aid && $cid) { // $count = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid'"), 0); // if($count > 1) { // DB::query('DELETE FROM '.DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE cid='$cid' AND aid='$aid'"); // DB::query('UPDATE '.DB::table('portal_article_title')." SET contents = contents-1 WHERE aid='$aid'"); // } else { // showmessage('article_delete_invalid_lastpage'); // } // } // showmessage('do_success', "portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=article&op=edit&quickforward=1&aid=$aid"); // //} elseif($op == 'delete') { // // if(!$aid) { // showmessage('article_edit_nopermission'); // } // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // // if(submitcheck('deletesubmit')) { // include_once libfile('function/delete'); // $article = deletearticle(array(intval($_POST['aid'])), intval($_POST['optype'])); // showmessage('article_delete_success', "portal.php?mod=list&catid={$article[0][catid]}"); // } // //} elseif($op == 'related') { // // $raid = intval($_GET['raid']); // $ra = array(); // if($raid) { // $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE aid='$raid'"); // $ra = DB::fetch($query); // } // //} elseif($op == 'batch') { // // check_articleperm($catid); // // $aids = $_POST['aids']; // $optype = $_POST['optype']; // if(empty($optype) || $optype == 'push') showmessage('article_action_invalid'); // $aids = array_map('intval', $aids); // $aids = array_filter($aids); // if(empty($aids)) showmessage('article_not_choose'); // // if (submitcheck('batchsubmit')) { // if ($optype == 'trash' || $optype == 'delete') { // require_once libfile('function/delete'); // $istrash = $optype == 'trash' ? 1 : 0; // $article = deletearticle($aids, $istrash); // showmessage('article_delete_success', dreferer("portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=category&catid={$article[0][catid]}")); // } elseif($optype == 'move') { // if($catid) { // DB::update('portal_article_title', array('catid'=>$catid), 'aid IN('.dimplode($aids).')'); // showmessage('article_move_success', dreferer("portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=category&catid=$catid")); // } else { // showmessage('article_move_select_cat', dreferer()); // } // } // // } // //} elseif($op == 'verify') { // if($aid) { // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // } else { // showmessage('article_not_exist', dreferer()); // } // //} elseif($op == 'pushplus') { // if($aid) { // check_articleperm($article['catid'], $aid, $article); // } else { // showmessage('no_article_specified_for_pushplus', dreferer()); // } // // $pids = (array)$_POST['topiclist']; // $tid = intval($_GET['tid']); // $pushedids = array(); // $pushcount = $pushedcount = 0; // if(!empty($pids)) { // $query = DB::query('SELECT id FROM '.DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid' AND id IN (".dimplode($pids).")"); // while(($value=DB::fetch($query))) { // $pushedids[] = intval($value['id']); // $pushedcount++; // } // $pids = array_diff($pids, $pushedids); // } // $pushcount = count($pids); // // if(empty($pids)) { // showmessage($pushedids ? 'all_posts_pushed_already' : 'no_posts_for_pushplus'); // } // //} else { // // if(empty($_G['cache']['portalcategory'])) { // showmessage('portal_has_not_category'); // } // // if(!checkperm('allowmanagearticle') && !checkperm('allowpostarticle')) { // $allowcategorycache = array(); // if($allowcategory = getallowcategory($_G['uid'])) { // foreach($allowcategory as $catid => $category) { // $allowcategorycache[$catid] = $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$catid]; // } // } // $_G['cache']['portalcategory'] = $allowcategorycache; // } // // if(empty($_G['cache']['portalcategory'])) { // showmessage('portal_article_add_nopermission'); // } // // $category = $_G['cache']['portalcategory']; // $cate = $category[$catid]; // $categoryselect = category_showselect('portal', 'catid', false, !empty($article['catid']) ? $article['catid'] : $catid); // if($aid) { // $catid = intval($article['catid']); // } // // if($aid && $article['highlight']) { // $stylecheck = ''; // $stylecheck = explode('|', $article['highlight']); // } // // $from_cookie_str = ''; // $from_cookie = array(); // $from_cookie_str = stripcslashes(getcookie('from_cookie')); // $from_cookie = explode('\t', $from_cookie_str); // $from_cookie = array_filter($from_cookie); // // $page = empty($_GET['page'])?1:intval($_GET['page']); // if($page<1) $page = 1; // $start = $page-1; // // $pageselect = ''; // // if($article) { // // if($op == 'addpage') { // $article_content = array(); // } else { // $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_content')." WHERE aid='$aid' ORDER BY pageorder LIMIT $start,1"); // $article_content = DB::fetch($query); // } // // $article['attach_image'] = $article['attach_file'] = ''; // $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_attachment')." WHERE aid='$aid' ORDER BY attachid DESC"); // while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { // if($value['isimage']) { // if($article['pic']) { // $value['pic'] = $article['pic']; // } // $article['attach_image'] .= get_uploadcontent($value); // } else { // $article['attach_file'] .= get_uploadcontent($value); // } // } // if($article['idtype'] == 'tid') { // $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table(getattachtablebytid($article['id']))." WHERE tid='$article[id]'"); // while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { // if($value['isimage']) { // if($article['pic']) { // $value['pic'] = $article['pic']; // } // $value['attachid'] = $value['aid']; // $article['attach_image'] .= get_uploadcontent($value, 'forum'); // } else { // $article['attach_file'] .= get_uploadcontent($value, 'forum'); // } // } // } // // if($article['pic']) { // $article['conver'] = addslashes(serialize(array('pic'=>$article['pic'], 'thumb'=>$article['thumb'], 'remote'=>$article['remote']))); // } // // if($article['contents'] > 0) { // $pageselect = ''; // } // // $multi = multi($article['contents'], 1, $page, "portal.php?mod=portalcp&ac=article&aid=$aid"); // // $article['related'] = array(); // if($page < 2 && $op != 'addpage') { // $query = DB::query("SELECT a.aid,a.title // FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_related')." r // LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." a ON // WHERE r.aid='$aid' ORDER BY r.displayorder"); // while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { // $article['related'][] = $value; // } // } // } // // $_GET['from_id'] = empty ($_GET['from_id'])?0:intval($_GET['from_id']); // if($_GET['from_idtype'] != 'blogid') $_GET['from_idtype'] = 'tid'; // // $idtypes = array($_GET['from_idtype'] => ' selected'); // if($_GET['from_idtype'] && $_GET['from_id']) { // // $havepush = DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE id='$_GET[from_id]' AND idtype='$_GET[from_idtype]'"), 0); // if($havepush) { // if($_GET['from_idtype'] == 'blogid') { // showmessage('article_push_blogid_invalid_repeat', '', array(), array('return'=>true)); // } else { // showmessage('article_push_tid_invalid_repeat', '', array(), array('return'=>true)); // } // } // // switch ($_GET['from_idtype']) { // case 'blogid': // $query = DB::query("SELECT b.*, bf.message FROM ".DB::table('home_blog')." b // LEFT JOIN ".DB::table('home_blogfield')." bf ON bf.blogid=b.blogid // WHERE b.blogid='$_GET[from_id]'"); // if($blog = DB::fetch($query)) { // if($blog['friend']) { // showmessage('article_push_invalid_private'); // } // $article['title'] = getstr($blog['subject'], 0); // $article['summary'] = portalcp_get_summary($blog['message']); // $article['fromurl'] = 'home.php?mod=space&uid='.$blog[uid].'&do=blog&id='.$blog[blogid]; // $article['author'] = $blog['username']; // $article_content['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($blog['message']); // } // break; // default: // $posttable = getposttablebytid($_GET['from_id']); // $query = DB::query("SELECT t.*, p.* FROM ".DB::table('forum_thread')." t // LEFT JOIN ".DB::table($posttable)." p ON p.tid=t.tid AND p.first='1' // WHERE t.tid='$_GET[from_id]'"); // if($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { // $article['title'] = $thread['subject']; // $thread['message'] = portalcp_get_postmessage($thread); // $article['summary'] = portalcp_get_summary($thread['message']); // $article['fromurl'] = 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid='.$thread['tid']; // $article['author'] = $thread['author']; // $article_content['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($thread['message']); // // $article['attach_image'] = $article['attach_file'] = ''; // $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table(getattachtablebytid($thread['tid']))." WHERE pid='$thread[pid]' ORDER BY aid DESC"); // while($attach = DB::fetch($query)) { // $attachcode = '[attach]'.$attach['aid'].'[/attach]'; // if(!strexists($article_content['content'], $attachcode)) { // $article_content['content'] .= '

'.$attachcode; // } // if($attach['isimage']) { // if($article['pic']) { // $attach['pic'] = $article['pic']; // } // $article['attach_image'] .= get_uploadcontent($attach, 'forum'); // } else { // $article['attach_file'] .= get_uploadcontent($attach, 'forum'); // } // } // } // break; // } // } // // if(!empty($article['dateline'])) { // $article['dateline'] = dgmdate($article['dateline']); // } // // $article_tags = article_parse_tags($article['tag']); // $tag_names = article_tagnames(); //} // //include_once template("portal/portalcp_article"); function portalcp_get_summary($message) { $message = preg_replace(array("/\[attach\].*?\[\/attach\]/", "/\&[a-z]+\;/i", "/\/"), '', $message); $message = preg_replace("/\[.*?\]/", '', $message); $message = getstr(strip_tags($message), 200); return $message; } //function portalcp_get_postmessage($post) { // global $_G; // $forum = DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table('forum_forum')." WHERE fid='$post[fid]'"); // require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); // $language = lang('forum/misc'); // if($forum['type'] == 'sub' && $forum['status'] == 3) { // loadcache('grouplevels'); // $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; // $group_postpolicy = $grouplevel['postpolicy']; // if(is_array($group_postpolicy)) { // $forum = array_merge($forum, $group_postpolicy); // } // } // $post['message'] = preg_replace($language['post_edit_regexp'], '', $post['message']); // return discuzcode($post['message'], $post['smileyoff'], $post['bbcodeoff'], $post['htmlon'] & 1, $forum['allowsmilies'], $forum['allowbbcode'], ($forum['allowimgcode'] && $_G['setting']['showimages'] ? 1 : 0), $forum['allowhtml'], 0, 0, $post['authorid'], $forum['allowmediacode'], $post['pid']); //} //替换source/include/portalcp/portal_article.php结束 //替换source/module/portal/portal_portalcp.php结束 ?>